Saturday, March 10, 2012

Almost Change Time

Tonight, it will change regular time to summer time, and I just finish my dinner. Dinner was a meal with small stuff. I made burned chicken, slice of tuna as Tataki, and Rice. I didn't have much to eat or made tonight, but I like to eat that. I just like that kind of dinner, I really really like it! I didn't make much those days, and I was not at home for several times. I cooked several days for few weeks and so on. I usually like to eat as I cooked one, but I haven't made or cooked dinner or lunch for several days. lol ahaha Well, it is a nice to know what I can make it. Oh yeah, tonight dinner, I use Federal Dish (not know name....) but I like that color and design. Well, I am going to up the picture below.

Here is dinner picture
Tonight dinner
Dessert Crème brûlée with Tea
It was a great dinner and dessert for all of this kind of thing. I am so happy to have all of this. I love to have this kind of dinner and dessert for the day.

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