Monday, May 23, 2011

I found a website.

I found a website which is "Nice Creation". I found this website by accident. But I really like that website. It shows about Fire-King, and other antiques. Also, that website is owner of antiques show in Kumamoto, Japan.
(今日は“Nice Creation"というウェブサイトを見つけました。自分のブログを検索した人の結果を見ていたら偶然見つけたものです。でもよく読んだらすごく良いブログでした。そのブログではファイヤーキングや他のアンティークの事をいろいろととりあげられていました。さらに、自分の地元、熊本のお店ではありませんか!)

I am from Kumamoto, Japan, and that was really nice to know where the antiques shop in there.

I found some Fire King information from that website, and I am going to write about it.

I have Fire-King Turquoise Blue Dishes, and I didn't recognized that color was only two years of period making and cost a lot in the worldwide. I went to several Antique shops around Greenville and NC, but I never seen that cost less than $20. I was wondering why that cost like that. But now I understand why it cost a lot.

Here is what I have my Fire-King Turquoise Blue collection.

Fire King Turquoise Blue Dishes

Fire King Turquoise Blue Dishes and Snack sets

All Fire King Turquoise Collection
Well, I hope I can get some more when I found somewhere less expensive!


  1. こんにちは。熊本のnico 野添です。 早速、お邪魔いたししました^^

    実は私は幼少期に、なぜかFire Kingの食器を使用していたこともあり、その想いも含めてコレクション&販売しています。


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. こんにちは!野添さん☆




