This is a fun drama! Japanese time at 10pm on Tuesdays
Started on 10/08/2013 |
Welcome to Horoscope Station Onmyõya (よろず占い処 陰陽屋へようこそ) is started last night, and this drama is the person who are trying to have business for Horoscope which is fortune-teller. He is kind of a person who is a good looking guy and smooth talker, and he is possible to cultivate people thought and mind. Also, people are listening his explain and trick. However, he is trying to solve their problem from what he knows about trick and glib.
Horoscope Station Onmyõya |
So overall, this drama is hit on my site, and I want to see another episode of this funny situation and around his relationships. This is one of fun drama this Fall season 2013. But, if I want to see continuing for all season, I am not sure yet. Since this is still beginning of Fall season Japanese drama, I just want to see most of first episode, and I will decided which drama and how many drama, I will going to all. I know that this can be one of that. It is really hard for people to decided which drama you are going to watch. Since that last season drama hits a lot better.
The Fortune-teller his name is Syomei |
Oh yeah, summary of this drama is I already wrote part of it, but I can not write all yet. However, I can suggest for this drama is a good drama to watch for. Tuesdays 10pm, this will be a good drama to watch at night. So, I would write that first part of this episode one summary, place is in Ouji Kitaku, Tokyo, it is the peaceful old town's mall.
High school student and his mother |
A high school students had told by his teacher, "you will be high chance to repeat same grade again next year". That same day he was way back to home with his mother (since his mother was with him to heard that report from teacher), that time his mother found a Horoscope Station advertisement. It seems like store of suspicious divination and name is called "Onmyõya". When they went to store, the mother was fascinated in rhetoric and skillful looks by Shomei (the owner). After that she start talking about her situation.... Oh well, I stop here, So you can take a look at drama if you missed it. I will post some more pictures of drama screenshot here.
Will you watch this drama? or will you not watch this drama?
銭湯で。。。 |
今日は「よろず占い処 陰陽屋へようこそ」というドラマが始まりました。このドラマは、ある1人の人物が占いというビジネスをしながら占い師としていろいろな人々と関わってきます。多くの人は彼の魅力やルックスにたちまちトラワレテシマイ、さらに言えば口がうまい!だましているというわけではないんです。でも、口のうまさで彼の説明に納得してしまうといった感じでしょうか。彼が言うことを聞き入ってしまうトリックを持っているといったほうがいいですね。それをうまく使って、彼なりに人々の問題を解決したり良い方向へと導くというドラマになっているようです。
帰り道での1 シーン |
ちょっと怪しげな看板!? |
ある神社の風景のシーン |
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