Monday, April 29, 2013


I was talking about what I am going to do for new thing, and I decided to do what! That is I am going to make a website for some technology, smartphone, and user information. So maybe people would be able to get into there and figure out what they are looking for the answer and trying to update for some new technology for people who are not familiar with. Well, not sure what to start with yet, but I am going to post a writing and trying to research what I can do for this excited my website and maybe that would be connect to my career for next few months! I am hopping that what I can do now!

here is my new web! view
my new web!
If you find this is some excited thing, just visit there!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I am thinking about ....

I was and am thinking about new things what I can do for this coming week! So, I am going to brainstorm for several things now... However, I am not sure what to start with and what do I want to do it! Well, it is hard that thinking about new things and start at least one of them.... However, I decided that I am trying to make a new blog, but not sure what I am going to have topic for that blog yet! So still still brainstorming for what to do!.... I am sure somewhat, somehow, and somewhere I will get a point for ttopic what I want to start and what I am good about it!  I am glad to have a Sunday to think about that all day long and nothing else to important things I need to do, right now yet. Oh yeah! I am trying to do my best for all of my life what I am spending anyway!

I am going to talk about it when I decided to do!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Actually quiet Saturday!

Actually, I had a quiet Saturday ever since I moved to this apartment. Well, I was not sure what to do for this Saturday... so that's one more thing that why it was quiet for all..... So this means I didn't have much exceed day!..... lol

Friday, April 26, 2013

Short post!

I had a great day and having good time with my dogs.... just that for today!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Today, when I came back to my house, Hana and Kuki was so excited and playful. So I wanted to take some pictures and so on. I was happy to see both of my dogs are so happy and having a great day of their life! I am glad to have them and keep them as good condition as they are now. Wish that I could spend time with them more and more when I have free time and so on. Well, now I can do as much as I can for them that would make them happy, I am sure that what they need for. Well, I am going to post there. 



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I had an excited day!

April 24th, 2012.... I had a great and unexpected and excited day ever I had in here. I was not expected a gift from one of my friend, and that was so excited gift ever I got! I was so happy that what I can have now! Well, I will talk about that later again, but now I want to talk is actually, I made lunch and dinner for Tom Yam Soup and Basil Chicken. That's a good meal for a day! Also, I start again for teaching kids for little bit more. I am sure I will be happy to do a lot of things. WOW! What's a great great great day!

Fire King: Turquoise Blue dishes
Tom Yam Soup and Basil Chicken

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Huh !(>. <)!?

I was thinking really hard time to figure out that I like to eat something, and I was web searching to get recipe for that time. That recipe was Tom Yum Soup. I ate that every time I got o Thai restaurant, and get it at least two soups. Because it is so good to eat, and it is one of my favorite dish! Well, so that is why I like to make it by myself as I can get recipe from web and tried to make it. I was not sure if that soup turn out to eatable or taste ok or maybe not able to eat!. However, when I made it smells ok and seems like I can eat it! So, I took picture.

here is the picture
Tom Yum Shrimp Soup
Use: Fire King Turquoise Blue Soup Bowl
Well, after I took this picture, I ate it, and I was so happy that it was so good!!! I am sure next time, if I make it I will get better. I was so happy that first time I made but still I really like to eat it! Just one tip, for 1 soup dish cost is around $0.89.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Start little bit New

Today, actually start something new schedule for me, and I am going to have a good time that way. I think I am going to bath before I have this schedule. When I wake up around 7am or 8am, I was thinking that what I can eat and what I was going to eat.... However, I can not think too much, so I just eat cereal. Well, I have eat that long time. I think that I ate it 8 or 9 years ago.... So it was a good thing to eat. Ahaha. I just like to make some kind of food usually, but today I couldn't get thinking to make some food and/or meal this morning. But I will try to make something on Lunch or Dinner. Well, I guess it is ok to sometime off. ahaha .

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Nice Day....

I was relaxing for today, but it was not much going on anything.... lol Well, I was kind of out of mind some reason, but I am ok. just just ok. Well, I was forgot to look something I like to watch. Well, it is ok. Oh yeah, tonight  I will watch it that time. Well, I was board several time, but I was not thinking a lot today. Huh.... I don't have much to say today.... so I am just wanted to write something.... ahahaha.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

This Week Start Drama for Japan.

This week start several more dramas in Japan, and I am kind of surprised some of them. I understand that it is good to see several of them, however, it has some of dark dramas too. Well, I like to show here for what title of drama started this week.

Now, all Japanese drama is on TV, and total number of drama is 33 dramas!

Here is the list of Japanese drama

Galileo 2nd season (ガリレオ 2)
Monday 9pm

Positive proof ~ Metropolitan Police Investigation Division 3 (確証〜警視庁捜査3課)
Monday 8pm
The second movement (第二楽章)
Tuesday 10pm
Metropolitan Police Department First Investigation Division Scientific Criminal Unit (遺留捜査)
Wednesday 9pm
Stairs of Cloud (雲の階段)
Wednesday 10pm
Family Game (家族ゲーム)
Wednesday 10pm
Doubles ~ Two Detectives (ダブルス〜二人の刑事)
Thursday 9pm
Sneaks Detective Lizard (潜入探偵トカゲ)
Thursday 9pm
Take Five ~ Is that possible to steal love ~ (Take Five〜俺たちは愛を盗めるか〜)
Friday 10pm
I am sure all of them are very interesting to know what's going on. However, all of them are impossible to watch for a week. So I am sure I only see one or two of them!

Friday, April 19, 2013




タベヤは2010年位にオープンした日本食レストランです。もともとはウェンディーズというファーストフードレストランがあった所に日本食点がオープンしました。ここもJapan Inn と同じようにお寿司の食べ放題をやっている所です。つい最近久々に行ってきました。しかし、店員さんのサービスはあまり前と代わりがないのです。しかも、人もそこまで来ている感じがなく。。。「お店しまってるのか?」と一瞬だけ思いました。が、実際は開店していてちゃんとやっていました。味の方はJAPAN INNに比べても他の日本食店に比べても劣る感じです。食べれない訳ではないです。お寿司に関してはそうですが、他の付属品に関してはあまり大差は内容に思えます。食べ放題は安いのでいっぱい食べてしまうのですが、注文をしたすぐ後に「残したら1つにつき50セントだからね。わかってる?」と言われて承知の上で頼んでるのに確認にこなくても。。。量が多かったのかもしれませんが、頼んだ自分の責任だと思うので確認にこなくても。。。今まで残した事ないんですが。。。と思ったんですがもういいや〜!でそこは流しました。アハハ。



1位 Tokyo Japan
2位 Shogun
3位 Japan Inn
4位 Suppari
5位 Hibachi Japan (Japanese/Chinese Buffet)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's not that worth to deal with

It is not worth to deal with buying new car in Japan. I am sure it is better that asking them and making sure that new car is all what you want to and what you trying to buy, but if store  people said to you that I don't think that is good idea. After that, we want to know why that is not a good idea to have it. Well, if the people can not explain that what it is then don't trying to figure out what you want to get it. Just if you like that system or not is more important than the store's opinion sometime. If the store's opinion has point that one system may cause some problem then you listen that, but if not that cause you don't need to listen them. They were just wanted to get money from us! That's what I figure out!

Well,  I just want to say that!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Family Game, Finally Started! and My Favorite Dish!

One of Japanese TV Drama  finally started tonight, but I didn't see yet. However, I am sure this drama will show that some part of what education in Japan and other part of Japanese society. Well, I am excited to see this later. I need to do other things first then I will watch that video. I like to watch on time, but I don't think I can do that unless I watch through internet or so on. Well, I will try to do a lot of things a day, but I am sure that makes my life is fun. Today, actually I wanted to write for what kind of food I like to eat. Since I made my favorite dish and meal today's lunch. I was not sure what to write before I start this, but for my title you can see one is that drama but another is my favorite dish.

Well, here is my favorite dish.
One of My favorite food
Rice and Tune Taraki
Use: Fire King Azurite Swirl Dish
This is one of my favorite food meal, and you an make this quickly when you don't have much time for spending cooking for lunch or dinner. Tuna Tataki is a good taste and less salt to make. Also, you don't need to use a lot of oil too. Oh yea, you can see that healthy than other meat dishes. For dishes, I use Fire King Azurite Swirl lunch plate and Fire King Azurite Chili Bow. Those are my favorite color dish for Fire King series. I am trying to think that how many dishes I have right now.... lol

I hope everyone will have a good good day!!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013




Monday, April 15, 2013

Quite and Nice Day

I actually had a quite and a nice day today, and I was trying thing to do many things. Also, I was trying to watch some news from Japan. Because I like to know what's going on in Japan right now. Well, it is a nice day so I went to walk my dogs. After that I made lunch and dinner since it was little bit late day. I ate small amount of lunch deal then I made a lot of dinner food, but I am sure I won't be able to eat all so tomorrow morning. It's looks good to eat but still my stomach is not that big! lol Well, Hopefully I will eat all tomorrow and will make something tomorrow lunch and so on. I took picture before I start eat diner, but I will eat this little bit later! ahaha. Now, I am trying to find that what I am going to watch tonight after dinner. I am not sure what I can see. Well, I can still watch some more news from Japan and so on. Oh one thing, I will going to watch is Late show on Monday.

here is dinner
Fire King Jadeite Jane Ray Dishes

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Kasukana Kanojo (幽かな彼女)

I was watching Faint Woman and Legal High from Japan for drama today. I was kind of surprised that that Fain Woman use a lot of Fire King for display and advertising to everyone. I saw that for first beginning of drama, and I was happy and talked about this so long with my roommate. I am sure people are thinking that how come Jdrama use this many of them and putting advertising for this Fire King things. I am wondering that too, but I guess Japan has Fire King company now, and they need to advertising to everyone who does not know. However, this many of cups and others for one drama use was first time, I saw in my watching drama life. So I am going to watch this drama every week. So I can find that kind of cup and what kind of Fire King drama will be use for. Well, this is only one I surprised yet. I surprised one more thing that was Legal High will be on TV again in Fall, 2013. That makes me so happy and I am really excited to see that! Hopefully, I will update more this!

here is Faint Woman's picture

This is screen shot from TV

Saturday, April 13, 2013

OH NO!!!!

I was so mad to Toyota company who are selling to my mother. They made my mother to buy a new car, and it was a good thing for my mother and them so far until now. They order and registered my mother's car them, finally we are going to talk about car insurance. They are going to make a good deal when they started to talk them, Japanese car insurance company made new deal option for new cars which is called "New price vehicle insurance special contract". That is if you get an accident and if the car fix cost is more than 50% of what you bought car price, insurance company will pay total of new car cost what you own for 37 months. So that mean, if you bought new car for $25,000, then you get an accident for within 3 years and that repair cost cost $12,500 or more, you will be able to get a new car with $25,000 again. That is a good deal, however, they were talking about to my mother that we can not offer this deal 37 months because my mother's car is registered on March 27th, 2013 and last
fiscal year and April 1st, started new fiscal year. So she will lose 13 months for coverage for this New price vehicle insurance special contract deal.  Then, I went to insurance company website and it said that from registered year and month to within 37 months, a new car owner will be able to get this special deal. It didn't say anything about Fiscal Year term or deal. Then only 4 days to get registered to change makes 13 month more to covered this new car or not is not make sense to me or anyone. Just insurance company want to get money from customer seems like. Well, I hope this will solve soon!

This is the store which made this ridiculous problem! 

By the way, my mother will buy a Prius from Toyota.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Table Talk

Today, I will go to Table Talk later, now I am trying to find out what I can do. Well, I am not sure what I can bring to there. ahaha. Well, I am sure that I will try to make some food to bring there. I don't know yet, but I am think my favorite food to make and bring there.

I am sure like this below.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

This week some Japanese Drama Started!

It was a hot day. I am so happy that this day was a good day.  I can not do much thing, and I was busy for some other things. This morning, I had some free time, so I started watch some drama from Japan. I didn't watch a lot of them, so I was thinking that this time I can start watch some of them. ahaha. I am going to post here.

Japanese Drama
This week starts ones.
Kamo, go to Kyoto. (鴨、京都へ行く)

Faint Woman (幽かな彼女)

Last Cinderella (ラスト・シンデレラ)

Everyone! They are ESP!(みんな!エスパーだよ!)

Weather Woman (お天気お姉さん)

Vampier Heaven (ヴァンパイア・ヘブン)

35 years old's High School Student (35歳の高校生)

The Wrong Man (間違れちゃった男)
I am sure that I will watch some of them.ahaha hope you have some good day!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Getting hot weather.

Today was a good and nice weather today again, but it was a hot weather. I saw high was around 85F degrees. However, this warm/hot weather is until Friday since we will have winter storm coming toward to here.

outside was really fine weather!

Well, it was a hot weather, so I decided to wash my dogs and make sun to dry them up. ahaha. Actually, I went to outside for more than one hour, and play with my dogs after they took shower. now they are feel like really soft and I like to hug them all the time. However, I couldn't do that until they dry out and got out extra fur which is winter coat for them. Summer time, this is one thing I don't like to deal with them. I am hopping that I will not think too much this kind of thing. I will try to make dogs walk every day outside and getting fur out from them when I walk with them. OH shit! I forgot to take picture of them when they were wet.... lol...Well next time, I will try to remember and take them.


Today, I kind of skip lunch but I ate early dinner. So I am not too hungry for night. Also, I will go to bed early to night since I need to wake up early tomorrow and hopping I will have a good day again like today!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It was hot!

Today was hot! and seems like already summer came to around here! I can not believe that already warm weather came to here but still weather forecast talk about winter storm goes through from west to east this week and will be back to colder weather again for this weekend. I am sure around here is not much cool down but in the mid-west area is already cold and getting winter back again! I was really surprised this kind of crazy weather is coming to here.... On Friday, Greenville, NC will have colder weather and raining. I hope this won't be too cold and need to get back my warmer clothes again that day.... But 10 days forecast showed that weekend was not that cold. So I guess it will be ok.

I took some picture today, and it was a good one for me.
seems like my dog was a good sleep on sofa-bed...
I hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Start week

I saw news everywhere on internet that Japan is started a new week of school and so on. Well, here in America is middle of school year. American school will end in June. So seems like Japan's first semester was ending similar time. Just America and Japan's difference is Summer time really off from school for kid in America... But Japan, kids will have some kind of summer homework from teachers. It's a nice thing that summer vacation, students and parents don't need to think about any school work in here and will have a lot of other things can do together. I am sure Japanese way is a good one too but still American way is good too! I just thought this anyway. I like both systems. It's way of education for students, and when the school start is different that makes this system differences. I won't say that which one is better, but just my mind both are good system. ahaha
oh yeah, I took a picture of Sakura near here. I just wanna post here what look like.

this picture taken by iPad 3

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday (first April's Sunday)

It's not really much different from other days, but I was kind of had a great day for Sunday. I guess my dogs made my day a good day! Outside was a good weather too! I was checking this week weather and it said that this week will be fine days until Friday. I was hopping that we will have all week shiny days and warm. I don't want to get hot weather, but I just like to have warmer weather than past weeks.

I took several pictures, and it was nothing much to take since I don't go out other than walking distance for few days. lol Well, I got some good pictures, so I will post here.

just outside of my apartment

good shiny weather

today's lunch

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Today is Saturday and not much going on... I was little bit lazy for waking up in the morning, but I guess that I was ok. I just didn't think I can wake up early since I started sleep early Saturday night... But I woke up around 8am.... I am hopping to sleep little bit longer. lol Well, I hope I will get better sleep tonight! I wasn't taking any picture today, since I was not feel like to go outside other than walking with my dog... (>_<). Just one day like this should be ok. I hope!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Good Food to eat!

I made a good food today and actually I like to taste it when I make it. I wasn't sure how to make before, but I search on website and I made it. ahaha. Well, it looks like I know one more meal how to make it now. I wasn't sure how much I like to eat this food, but I guess that I can make to eat as long as I have enough stuff. Well, I am trying to make other food tomorrow and Sunday, but I am doing healthy diet for now same time. I am trying to get my weight for 115-120lb. So I can be a good shape for looks too! lol. I am not a good looking guy, but I just want to be more health than right now I am. I hope one day, I will change back to who I was sometime before summer start! lol

here is picture
at Lunch!
Use: Turquoise Blue lunch plate.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Raining Day

Unfortunately, today is raining and not really can go to outside.... So I am trying to get some work done and so on. Well, before ran started, I walked with my dogs for half hour. I like to walk with them everyday. I wish I could walk with them longer, but I cannot walk today anyway. ahaha. It is a nice to know dogs loves me and I am going to have a good time with them when I have too much stressed. Oh yeah, I made some lunch today, but one thing I just warmed up Takoyaki... so it is not really making it. lol ahaha.... I use Fire King Turquoise Blue and Azurite Swirl, and so on. Also, I made coffee with Fire King Coffee mug with Snoopy. I like to use this anyway. 

here is the pictures
Really Cloudy
Use: Fire King Turquoise Blue, Swirl Azurite

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lunch and Dinner!

I almost forgot that I am going to post a or two picture about what I ate today at Lunch and/or Dinner. However, I was not sure where to start again, so I just decided to post another blog today and make up for today's Lunch and Dinner meal and picture post on here. I ate some Tuna Tataki at Lunch today, for breakfast.... I didn't eat much. Oh yeah, I use Fire King Dishes like I usually post in here.  At lunch, I use fire king jadeite shell dishes and some soup bowl. However, I can see that I am in America but still I ate really Japanese dish today. Well, it seems like healthy but still ate alot... So I need to do some exercises sometime later... So I decided to walk my dogs for 30 to 40 minutes. I run for little bit... so maybe that makes my calories burned....

here is my Lunch Picture
Lunch Time
Use: Fire King Jadeite Shell Dishes
 For Dinner, I ate simple meal, and that was just rice ball (onigiri) and miso soup. I ate that half of them and I will eat rice ball tomorrow in the morning. I am not really able to a lot of food not that much.... I was able to eat like this much every day, but those day, I just can eat some of them and left over for morning.... ahaha. This time, I use Fire King Turquoise Blue dinner plate dish. Well, I like to use this one.

here is dinner picture
Dinner Time
Use: Fire King Turquoise Blue dinner plate

warmer day!

April 3rd, 2013.
Actually, today was a warm day, and I was walking with my dogs for 30 minutes or so. I just wanted to check my mail and same time, and same time I just wanted to take several pictures. It's a nice day out here and I really like that. I was having a nice and good day for long time. I am not sure how long I didn't have like this kind of day. Also, I was thinking that I should have like this kind of my relaxing time for myself once a day and so on.  I guess I am just enjoying the day like this and maybe this kind of day make my mind refresh, and hopefully make somehow it will be better! ahaha. I am going to post some pictures.

here is outside pictures
back of my apartment where I live

have some out space!

See some spring flowers (very small blue/purple color flowers
This is my Suzuki SX4 just outside of my apartment
I hope everyone had chance to enjoy your day of life like I did, and it's been a nice and great day for you! Also, I am sure everyone will have a great time when you have anything you like to do!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2nd... Here I come!

Today, I actually looked at website and found that Sakura is full of tree and it is ready to take a picture. So I went to see some of them, and took one picture. I didn't even think that I was able to take it this year,but this year Sakura was open later than last year. I didn't know if it is ready for, but finally it is ready to take pictures. I guess my thought was wrong, and it is a nice view to see that Sakura around here in Greenville, NC. I was getting more and more energy from that and I am so happy that I can see it every year since 2006.

here is the Sakura picture
Sakura at ECU 2013
I hope everyone will have a great day and hopefully have a great Spring days!

Monday, April 1, 2013

So long, I haven't post new Blog in here!

I was quit for February and March this blog, because I was not really have time to write down, and trying to finish some stuff... So I didn't have really time for new post, however, I will start writing again this blog start today!

Tomorrow, I will post some more